

Standardization in the field of buildings and civil engineering works, of:

  • general terminology;
  • organization of information in the processes of design, manufacture and construction;
  • general geometric requirements for buildings, building elements and components including modular coordination and its basic principles, general rules for joints, tolerances and fits, performance and test standards for sealants;
  • general rules for other performance requirements, including functional and user requirements related to service life, sustainability, accessibility and usability;
  • general rules and guidelines for addressing the economic, environmental and social impacts and aspects related to sustainable development;
  • geometric and performance requirements for components that are not in the scope of separate ISO technical committees;
  • procurement processes, methods and procedures.


  • standardization and coordination of technical product documentation (ISO/TC 10);
  • acoustic requirements (ISO / TC 43);
  • bases for design of concrete structures (ISO/TC 71/SC 4);
  • fire tests and fire safety engineering related to building materials, components and structures (ISO/TC 92);
  • bases for design of structures (ISO / TC 98);
  • construction machinery (ISO/TC 127 and ISO/TC 195);
  • performance requirements for glass in buildings (ISO/TC 160);
  • performance requirements for doors, doorsets and windows (ISO/TC 162);
  • calculation of thermal properties (ISO / TC 163);
  • bases for design of timber structures (ISO/TC 165);
  • bases for design of steel and aluminium structures (ISO/TC 167);
  • geotechnical aspects and soil quality (ISO/TC 182 and ISO/TC 190);
  • standardization in the design and retrofit buildings regarding acceptable indoor environment and practicable energy use (ISO/TC 205).


Visit the Technical Committee's own website for more information.

Enlaces rápidos


Normas ISO publicadas *

de las cuales 24 bajo la responsabilidad directa de ISO/TC 59


Normas ISO en desarrollo *

Miembros participantes
Miembros observadores

* la cifra incluye las actualizaciones

Referencia Título Tipo
ISO/TC 59/SC 2 Terminology and harmonization of languages Subcomité
ISO/TC 59/SC 8 Sealants Subcomité
ISO/TC 59/SC 13 Organization and digitization of information about buildings and civil engineering works, including building information modelling (BIM) Subcomité
ISO/TC 59/SC 14 Service life planning Subcomité
ISO/TC 59/SC 15 Framework for functional/user requirements in building construction Subcomité
ISO/TC 59/SC 16 Accessibility and usability of the built environment Subcomité
ISO/TC 59/SC 17 Sustainability in buildings and civil engineering works Subcomité
ISO/TC 59/SC 18 Construction procurement Subcomité
ISO/TC 59/SC 19 Prefabricated building Subcomité
ISO/TC 59/SC 20 Resilience of buildings and civil engineering works Subcomité
ISO/TC 59/AG 1   Advisory Group Grupo de trabajo
ISO/TC 59/WG 4   Resilience of buildings and civil engineering works Grupo de trabajo
Comités de enlace a ISO/TC 59

Los comités que aparecen a continuación pueden acceder a los documentos de ISO/TC 59:

Referencia Título ISO/IEC
ISO/TC 10 Technical product documentation ISO
ISO/TC 77 Products in fibre reinforced cement [EN ESPERA] ISO
ISO/TC 92 Fire safety ISO
ISO/TC 105 Steel wire ropes ISO
ISO/TC 136 Furniture ISO
ISO/TC 173 Assistive products ISO
ISO/TC 178 Lifts, escalators and moving walks ISO
ISO/TC 180 Solar energy ISO
ISO/TC 184/SC 4 Industrial data ISO
ISO/TC 205 Building environment design ISO
ISO/TC 262 Risk management ISO
ISO/TC 267 Facility management ISO
ISO/TC 268/SC 1 Smart community infrastructures ISO


Comités de enlace de ISO/TC 59

ISO/TC 59 pueden acceder a los documentos de los comités que aparecen a continuación:

Referencia Título ISO/IEC
ISO/TC 261 Additive manufacturing ISO
ISO/TC 267 Facility management ISO
ISO/TC 268/SC 1 Smart community infrastructures ISO
ISO/TC 292 Security and resilience ISO


Organizaciones de enlace (categorías A y B)
Sigla Título Categoría
ANEC The European consumer voice in standardisation A
buildingSMART International buildingSMART International A
CEI-Bois European Confederation of Woodworking Industries A
CIB International Council for Research and Innovation in Building and Construction A
FIEC European Construction Industry Federation A
RI Rehabilitation International A
UIA International Union of Architects A
WFEO World Federation of Engineering Organizations A

Fecha Mes Ubicación TC/SC Nota
19 May 2025 West Lafayette (United States) ISO/TC 59/SC 14  
2-3 September 2025 Berlin (Germany) ISO/TC 59/SC 8 *
23 October 2025 São Paulo (Brazil) ISO/TC 59/SC 13 *
23 October 2026 Oslo (Norway) ISO/TC 59 **

* Información definitiva, pero la reunión aún no se ha convocado formalmente
** Provisional

ISO/TC 59 - Secretaría

SN (Norway)

Standards Norway
Lilleakerveien 2a
NO-NO-0283 Oslo

Tel: +47 67 83 86 00