Calidad de miembro: Organismo miembro
Eesti Standardikeskus (EVS) is a non-profit association that is recognized by the Government of Estonia as the national standards body for Estonia. The EVS was founded by the Estonian Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communication, the Estonian Chamber of Commerce and Industry and the Confederation of Estonian Employers and Industry on 14 January 2000. On 24 April 2000, the Government of Estonia and the EVS concluded an agreement in which the mutual rights and obligations in organising standardisation activities in Estonia were laid down more precisely. In Estonia the standardisation is regulated by "Technical Regulations and Standards Act".

According to "the EVS Statutes", the main responsibilities are the promotion of standardisation; the adoption, maintenance and sale of Estonian standards; the provision of information on standards and training; notification of foreign and international standards organisations (WTO, ISO, IEC) about the work programme; participation in the work of international and European standards organisations.

EVS has membership in ISO, IEC, CEN and CENELEC; it has cooperation agreements with 11 Estonian organizations and has registered 38 EVS/TCs that participate in ISO, IEC, CEN and CENELEC technical committees.

Estonian Centre for Standardisation and Accreditation

Akadeemia tee 21/6
12618 Tallinn

Tel.: +372 605 50 50
Fax: +372 605 50 70
Correo electrónico:

Participación de TC

Miembro participante
Miembro observador

Participación de PDC

Miembro observador