Final Draft
International Standard
ISO/FDIS 5354-1
Molecular biomarkers — Detection of DNA in cotton used for textile production — Part 1: Extraction of DNA from cottonseed and raw materials derived therefrom
Reference number
ISO/FDIS 5354-1
Edition 1
Proyecto final Norma internacional
ISO/FDIS 5354-1
No disponible en español
Este borrador está en fase de aprobación.
Reemplazará IWA 32:2019


This document provides requirements and recommendations to laboratories that perform PCR analyses of cottonseed, leaf, cotton fibre and cotton fibre-derived materials. The following are within the scope of this document:a) identifying the materials to be assessed, based on the probability of obtaining good quality, fit for purpose DNA from the materials in subsequent steps in the cotton cloth production process; b) specifying a method for efficient DNA isolation from cotton and cotton-derived materials; c) specifying the cotton-specific method(s) to be used as control for amplifiable DNA; d) specifying the screening procedure that provides optimal chances to detect the target DNA as a result of the performance of the lowest number of element screening assays. This document does not cover sampling of the seed, bale or fabric, or preparation of the laboratory sample. The standards sets describes the conditions for obtaining DNA for the screening of specific DNA elements and is set up in a way that offers the probability of also detecting unknown GM cotton events that possibly contain similar DNA sequences. A recommended sampling method is given in ISO 6497. General guidance for the sampling of bulk materials or for cotton-based products is available in standards such as ISO 1130, ASTM D1441-12 ISTA rules . TENTATIVE TEXTILE STANDARD No. 77. (1963)

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