International Standard
ISO/DIS 11609
Dentistry — Dentifrices — Requirements, test methods and marking
Reference number
ISO/DIS 11609
Edition 4
Proyecto Norma internacional
ISO/DIS 11609
No disponible en español
Este borrador de Norma Internacional se encuentra en la fase de consultas con los miembros de ISO.
Reemplazará ISO 11609:2017

ISO/DIS 11609

ISO/DIS 11609
CHF 65
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ISO 11609:2017 specifies requirements for the physical and chemical properties of dentifrices and provides guidelines for suitable test methods. It also specifies requirements for the marking, labelling and packaging of dentifrices.

ISO 11609:2017 applies to dentifrices, including toothpastes, destined to be used by the consumers on a daily basis with a toothbrush to promote oral hygiene.

Specific qualitative and quantitative requirements for freedom from biological and toxicological hazards are not included in this document. These are covered in ISO 7405[1] and ISO 10993‑1[2].

Informaciones generales

  •  : En desarrollo
    : Informe completo distribuido: DIS aprobado para su registro como FDIS [40.99]
  •  : 4
     : 22
  • ISO/TC 106/SC 7
  • RSS actualizaciones

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