What is ISO/TR 31004?
We do not know what tomorrow brings. Whether it’s business as usual or an economic crisis, a natural disaster or any other form of disruption. Risk is the effect of uncertainty on an organization’s objectives.
ISO/TR 31004 will help you establish or align a system to detect, understand and manage risk based on ISO 31000 – an internationally-recognized generic document on managing risk in organizations of all types and sizes.
If I have ISO 31000 why do I need ISO/TR 31004?
ISO/TR 31004 gives you added support to effectively implement ISO 31000. It provides:
- A structured approach to efficiently transition existing risk management practices to ISO 31000, with a dynamic outlook to adapt to future changes.
- An explanation of the underlying concepts of ISO 31000 with advice and examples tailored to the user’s individual needs.
- Additional guidance on the ISO 31000 principles and framework for the management of risk.
Is it for me?
ISO/TR 31004 is applicable to organizations of all types and sizes. It can be used by any public, private or community enterprise, association, group or individual.
If your decisions will impact your organization’s achievement of objectives, if you are responsible for governance, or provide advice and support services on the management of risk, then ISO/TR 31004 is for you. It can also be used by anyone interested in risk, including teachers, students, legislators and regulators.