Better business trips

New international guidance for managing the risks just published.

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Work-related travel, like all travel, took a nose-dive when the COVID-19 pandemic shook the world and transport everywhere came to a standstill. But now, as people start moving again, the dramatic events of the last year have highlighted just how important it is to be prepared for any eventuality. A new standard provides guidance for all kinds of organizations on how to manage travel risks, including what they can do should an incident occur.

ISO 31030, Travel risk management – Guidance for organizations, provides guidance on assessing risk factors related to travel, and how to develop plans to address and communicate them.

Travel risk management — Guidance for organizations

The standard covers pre-planning and risk assessment of destinations and travel arrangements, security and information security precautions, challenges to travel logistics, emergency response and more.

Kevin Myers, Convenor of the group of experts that developed the standard, said ISO 31030 enables organizations to not only protect their workers when travelling in a comprehensive manner, but demonstrate that their decisions related to risk are based on solid and reliable information.

“Travel risks vary and change enormously based on destinations, political or health situations, amongst other things, and there is no one set of rules that works for every destination or traveller profile,” he said.

“ISO 31030 is a key tool to help any kind of organization put a realistic and comprehensive plan in place to cover all bases and keep their workers safe when on the move.”

ISO 31030 was developed by ISO technical committee ISO/TC 262, Risk management, whose secretariat is held by BSI, ISO’s member for the UK. It can be purchased from your national ISO member or the ISO Store.