Окончательный проект
Международный стандарт
ISO/FDIS 18390
Cereals, pulses and cereal products — Sampling — Simplified routine method
Ссылочный номер
ISO/FDIS 18390
Версия 1
Окончательный проект Международный стандарт
ISO/FDIS 18390
Проект данного международного стандарта находится на этапе утверждения.


This document describes a simplified routine method applicable to the dynamic or static sampling, by manual or mechanical means, of cereals, pulses and cereal products for assessment of their quality and condition. It is applicable to sampling for the determination of heterogeneously distributed contaminants, undesirable substances and parameters usually homogenously distributed, such as those used to assess quality or compliance with a specification. It is suitable for daily use in the field, in silos and factories that ship or received grains. It can be used to determine insect infestation in a grain lot, although it is recommended to assess harmful insect populations by trapping whilst grain is in storage. Methods for assessing insect populations are provided in the standard ISO 16002. This document is not applicable to seeds.

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  •  : В стадии разработки
    : Регистрация окончательного проекта международного стандарта (FDIS) для официального принятия [50.00]
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  • ISO/TC 34/SC 4
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