International Standard
ISO/DIS 5659
Plastics — Smoke generation — Determination of optical density by a single-chamber test
Reference number
ISO/DIS 5659
Edition 1
Проект Международный стандарт
ISO/DIS 5659
недоступно на русском языке
Проект данного международного стандарта находится на этапе рассмотрения членами ИСО.
Текущее издание: ISO 5659-2:2017

ISO/DIS 5659

ISO/DIS 5659
CHF 65
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ISO 5659-2:2017 specifies a method of measuring smoke production from the exposed surface of specimens of materials or composites. It is applicable to specimens that have an essentially flat surface and do not exceed 25 mm in thickness when placed in a horizontal orientation and subjected to specified levels of thermal irradiance in a closed cabinet with or without the application of a pilot flame. This method of test is applicable to all plastics.

It is intended that the values of optical density determined by this test be taken as specific to the specimen or assembly material in the form and thickness tested and are not to be considered inherent, fundamental properties.

The test is intended primarily for use in research and development and fire safety engineering in buildings, trains, ships, etc. and not as a basis for ratings for building codes or other purposes. No basis is provided for predicting the density of smoke that can be generated by the materials upon exposure to heat and flame under other (actual) exposure conditions. This test procedure excludes the effect of irritants on the eye.

Общая информация

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