Проект комитета
ISO/IEC CD 9995-7
Information technology — Keyboard layouts for text and office systems — Part 7: Symbols used to represent functions
Ссылочный номер
ISO/IEC CD 9995-7
Версия 1
Проект комитета
ISO/IEC CD 9995-7
Проект данного международного стандарта рассматривается комитетом.
Текущее издание: ISO/IEC 9995-7:2009


Within the general scope described in ISO/IEC 9995 1, this document specifies symbols for functions found on any type of numeric, alphanumeric or composite keyboards. Each of these symbols is intended to be considered as universal and non-language related equivalent of names for the function they represent. Names of functions and descriptions are given in English and French.

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    : Начало изучения проекта комитета [30.20]
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  • ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 35
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