Утвержденный рабочий проект
ISO/AWI 14731
Welding coordination — Tasks and responsibilities
Ссылочный номер
ISO/AWI 14731
Версия 4
Утвержденный рабочий проект
ISO/AWI 14731
Проект данного международного стандарта был подготовлен рабочей группой.
Текущее издание: ISO 14731:2019


This document identifies the essential welding quality related tasks and responsibilities included in welding coordination.

The principle of an assessment according to this document is that welding coordination personnel need to be competent in the welding-related tasks allocated to them.

It is presumed that welding coordination personnel have the necessary education, qualifications and experience and are appointed by the manufacturer.

Regulatory documents, application standards and contracts can give specific requirements for welding coordination personnel. Otherwise, it is the responsibility of the manufacturer to determine the requirements to be in compliance with this document.

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