Standards for rare earths ensure sustainability, traceability, and efficiency across their lifecycle. They guide analysis, recycling, packaging, and supply chain traceability, helping industries use these critical materials responsibly and effectively.


Building a sustainable path to ESG reporting

The drive towards a more sustainable future has propelled ESG considerations – or environment, social and governance in its full form – to the forefront of Board meetings in companies worldwide.

The benefits of implementing an environmental management system for your business

Prioritizing environmental sustainability isn’t just a trend: it’s a vital strategy for securing the health and prosperity of an organization for years to come. Balancing growth with environmental stewardship is more important than ever.

Top standards

Rare earth — Analysis by wavelength dispersive x-ray fluorescence spectrometry (WD-XRFS)
Part 1: Determination of composition of rare earth magnet scrap using standardless XRF commercial packages

Rare earth — Determination of rare earth content in individual rare earth metals and their compounds — Gravimetric method

Rare earth — Packaging and labelling

Recycling of rare earth elements — Methods for the measurement of rare earth elements in industrial waste and end-of-life products

Recycling of rare earth elements — Requirements for providing information on industrial waste and end-of-life products

Traceability of rare earths in the supply chain from mine to separated products