Launch of the LDC Programme
In 2022, ISO capacity building launched the LDC Programme. Running through 2025, it will provide support on the most important and strategic areas needed to strengthen NSB institutional capacity. It aims to maximize the benefits of international standardization to address LDCs’ economic and social development needs through high quality tailored support.
Through the LDC Programme, participating ISO members will be able to select and create a programme that is tailored in the thematic areas most important and strategic to their organization and for the benefit of their public and private sector stakeholders.
The LDC Programme currently has 10 ISO LDC members participating:
1. Chad: ATNOR
2. Ethiopia, IES
3. Laos, DOSM
4. Lesotho, LSI
5. Mali, AMANORM
6. Senegal, ASN
7. Sierra Leone, SLSB
8. Somalia, SoBS
9. Togo, ATN
10. Uganda, UNBS
As part of the programme, each member is matched with a Country Advisor who will guide them throughout the programme; these advisors are external ISO experts and have the regional experience necessary.
Phase 1 - Kickoff workshop
In October 2022, a 2-day kickoff workshop of the LDC Programme took place in-person at the ISO/CS office in Geneva. The workshop better inform members on the requirements and objectives of the thematic areas of the LDC Programme; it was important for members to be prepared and become familiar with the necessary pre-requirements for their thematic areas in order for a timeline roll-out and accurate planning (i.e. ISOlutions, GSP, etc). The workshop also focused on establishing relationships between the member and advisor.
As a result of the kickoff workshop, all LDC Programme members were required to develop and finalize their LDC workplan through 2025. These workplans were necessary to identify the each members’ priority work areas, plan for internal resources needed, and meet any pre-requirements. These workplans form a part of the CBU workplan through 2025.
Phase 2: Guidance throughout the workplan
Based on the work plan, the country advisor, ISO, and the member will work to ensure organization and achievement of the LDC programme.
Timeframe: 2023-2024
Phase 3: Mid-period review
Mid-way through the implementation period (in 2024) ISO and the participants will review whether the project is on-track to meet its requirements, identify possible gaps or delays in implementation, and identify what additional measures are needed (if any) for the success of the programme.
Timeframe: early 2024
Phase 4: Closure
By the end of 2025, ISO will conduct a review of the country programme. It will evaluate whether the program met its objectives, collect the data to measure the indicators, and identify areas of improve for future roll-out.
Timeframe: by December 2025
To find out more about the thematic areas under the LDC Programme, please have a look at the brochure available here:
Capacity Building - LDC Programme Expansion_EN-with SIDA logo.pdf - All Documents (sharepoint.com)