ISO 5983-2:2009 specifies a method for the determination of nitrogen content of animal feeding stuffs according to the Kjeldahl method, and a method for the calculation of the crude protein content.
It is suitable for use as a semi-micro rapid routine method using block digestion, copper catalyst, and steam distillation into boric acid.
The method is applicable to the determination of greater than 0,5 % mass fraction Kjeldahl nitrogen in animal feeding stuffs, pet foods, and their raw materials.
The method does not measure oxidized forms of nitrogen nor heterocyclic nitrogen compounds.
The method does not distinguish between protein nitrogen and non-protein nitrogen.
General information
Status: PublishedPublication date: 2009-06Stage: Close of review [90.60]
Edition: 2Number of pages: 15
Technical Committee :ISO/TC 34/SC 10ICS :65.120
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Life cycle
WithdrawnISO 5983-2:2005