Committee Draft
ISO/CD TS 24932
Genomics informatics — Procedures for gene expression panel-based similarity calculation for human pluripotent stem cell-derived organoids
Reference number
ISO/CD TS 24932
Edition 1
Committee Draft
ISO/CD TS 24932
A draft is being reviewed by the committee.


This document specifies requirements and recommendations for designing, developing, and operating the gene-expression panel (GEP)-based human organ similarity calculation method for This document specifies requirements and recommendations for designing, developing, and operating the gene-expression panel (GEP)-based human organ similarity calculation method for human PSC derived organoids. It addresses data collection and processing, as well as the processes generating such data, and rules for configurations. This document do not cover manufacturing or generating human organoids. It is a method that quantitatively calculates how similar human organoids are to human organs using transcriptome data.

General information

  •  : Under development
    : CD consultation initiated [30.20]
  •  : 1
  • ISO/TC 215/SC 1
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