Secretariat: NEN (Netherlands)
Committee Manager: -
Chairperson (until end 2027):Mr M. Mastrangeli
ISO Technical Programme Manager [TPM]:ISO Editorial Manager [EM]:
- Creation date: 2024
Standardization in the field of Microphysiological Systems (MPS) and Organ-on-Chip (OoC) that includes the following topics:
- Terminology, stakeholder environment, interdepencies in MPS and OoC
- Biological components in MPS and OoC
- Engineering in MPS and OoC, including manufacturing and designing
- Experimental design, data processing and integration of MPS and OoC studies
- Characterisation of materials and processes ISO/TC 276/SC 2 MPS and OoC has a specific focus for MPS and OoC as a hybrid system consisting of biological components and technical components and the interaction between the two.
ISO/TC 276/SC 2 will work closely with related working groups within ISO/TC 276 and related (technical) committees, e.g. ISO/TC 48 and ISO/TC 212, in order to identify standardization needs and gaps, and collaborate with other organisations to avoid duplications and overlapping standardization activities.
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This committee contributes with 3 standards to the following Sustainable Development Goals:
Liaison Committees from ISO/TC 276/SC 2
ISO/TC 276/SC 2 can access the documents of the committees below:
Reference | Title | ISO/IEC |
IEC/TC 62 | Medical equipment, software, and systems | IEC |
ISO/TC 48 | Laboratory equipment | ISO |
ISO/TC 215/SC 1 | Genomics Informatics | ISO |
ISO/TC 276/SC 2 - Secretariat
NEN (Netherlands)
Royal Netherlands Standardization Institute
Vlinderweg 6
NL-2623 AX Delft
NL-2623 AX Delft
Tel: +31 15 2 690 390
Email: klantenservice@nen.nl
Web: http://www.nen.nl