

Standardization of test and assessment methods, care labelling, terminology and definitions of textiles relating to domestic, professional and industrial laundering, appearance retention, resistance to water.

Quick links


Published ISO standards *


ISO standards under development *

Participating members
Observing members

* number includes updates

Reference Title Type
ISO/TC 38/SC 2/WG 3   Domestic washing and drying Working group
ISO/TC 38/SC 2/WG 4   Appearance retention Working group
ISO/TC 38/SC 2/WG 8   Water resistance tests Working group
ISO/TC 38/SC 2/WG 9   Industrial laundering Working group
ISO/TC 38/SC 2/WG 12   Care labelling Working group
Liaison Committees to ISO/TC 38/SC 2

The committees below can access the documents of ISO/TC 38/SC 2:

Reference Title ISO/IEC
IEC/SC 59D Performance of household and similar electrical laundry appliances IEC


Organizations in liaison (Category A and B)
Acronym Title Category
AATCC American Association of Textile Chemists and Colorists A
AISE International Association for Soaps, Detergent and Maintenance Products A
APPLiA Home Appliance Europe A
CINET International Committee of Textile Care A
ETSA European Textile Services Association A
GINETEX International Association for Textile Care Labelling A
SBS - Small Business Standards Small Business Standards A

ISO/TC 38/SC 2 - Secretariat

SAC (China)

Standardization institute of China textile academy
No. 3 Yanjingli middle street
Beijing 100025 Chaowai