Las normas de RR. HH. se diseñan para optimizar la gestión y el desarrollo de la plantilla. Al abarcar áreas como la contratación, la gestión del desempeño y el bienestar de los empleados, ayudan a las organizaciones a atraer y retener el talento al tiempo que fomentan un entorno de trabajo positivo y productivo.


Diversidad, equidad y el poder de la diferencia

La equidad es un pilar fundamental para la creación de lugares de trabajo justos e inclusivos. Sin equidad no podemos liberar el potencial que reside en nuestras diferencias.

Aerial view of a business meeting.

People power

New HR management metrics help to create a better workforce.

Businesswoman depressed sitting on a path.

Mental health in the workplace

The world’s first International Standard just published.

Sample standards

Human resources management systems — Requirements

Knowledge management systems — Requirements — Amendment 2: Climate action changes

Condition monitoring and diagnostics of machines — Requirements for training and certification of personnel
Part 8: Ultrasound

Condition monitoring and diagnostics of machines — Requirements for training and certification of personnel
Part 3: Requirements for training bodies and the training process

Condition monitoring and diagnostics of machines — Requirements for training and certification of personnel
Part 2: Vibration condition monitoring and diagnostics

Condition monitoring and diagnostics of machines — Requirements for qualification and assessment of personnel
Part 5: Lubricant laboratory technician/analyst