Membership: Member body

Bahrain Testing and Metrology Directorate (BTMD) is the national standardization body of Bahrain established in 1988 under the provision of the Legislative Decree No. 16 of 1985.

It is a member of the Arab Industrial Development, Standardization and Mining (AIDSMO), the Arab Center for Standardization and Metrology and a founder member of the Gulf Standardization Organization (GSO).

BTMD has been a correspondent member of OIML since 1984 and an ISO member body since January 2003, and has been implementing the good regulatory practice of the WTO/TBT agreement since August 1999.

On a national governing level, BTMD revises, amends, and publishes all National Technical Regulations and Standards upon approval of the National Committee for Standards & Metrology. BTMD's most active operation is revising and studying the potential adoption of international and Gulf Standards nationally.

Other activities include: Standards Implementation performing required conformity assessment procedures on controlled goods entering the Kingdom, as well as monitoring controlled goods in the country through market surveillances. Quality section provides awareness and updated information on the management systems.

In addition, Metrology section is committed to enforce legal metrology and to provide industrial calibration services, National Metrology Laboratory (NML) is the regulator of measurements in the country that follows The International System of Units (SI) as published by the BIPM.
The main objective behind this is to provide standardized measuring references in the Kingdom of Bahrain to ensure accuracy in the various measures, which is the main technical requirements of industries & will strengthen competitiveness, promote trust on the national economy, and benefit from openness to international markets.
NML facilities include laboratories for: Mass, Volume, pressure, dimensions and Temperature.
NML has been accredited by Gulf Accreditation Center (GAC) in ISO/IEC 17025:2017 General requirements for the competence of testing and calibration laboratories, that will enhance the strategic objective of the lab in the region.

Standards Information section is responsible for maintaining standards publications, sales and online enquiries.

Bahrain Testing and Metrology

Ministry of Industry, Commerce and Tourism
Testing & Metrology Directorate
Bahrain Financial Harbour
Building: 1398 - Road: 4626 - Block: 346
Bahrain 5479

Tel: +973 17 57 49 09
Fax: +973 17 53 07 30

TC Participation

Participating Member
Observing Member

PDC Participation

Participating Member