Auditing standard for management system standards now updated

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Management systems help organizations achieve their objectives, and auditing them makes good business sense. The International Standard for auditing management systems has just been updated, giving more guidance than ever before. 

Management system standards are growing in popularity as organizations see how they can be applied to manage interrelated processes to achieve their objectives. From quality or energy management to food or traffic safety, the list of standards aimed at helping organizations put in place effective management systems is getting long.

ISO alone has over 70 management system standards, building on international expertise and best practice to help organizations perform better, save money and develop a competitive edge.

In order to get the best out of a management system and ensure continuous improvement, regular auditing needs to take place. Not an easy task if, like most organizations, you have several management systems in place.

ISO 19011, Guidelines for auditing management systems, however, offers a uniform, harmonized approach, enabling effective auditing across multiple systems at the same time.

Denise Robitaille, Chair of the ISO project committee1) that revised the standard, said it was updated to ensure it continues providing effective guidance to address changes in the marketplace, evolving technologies and the many new management system standards recently published or revised.

“Other key changes in the 2018 version include the addition of a risk-based approach to the principles of auditing to reflect the enhanced focus on risk in both management standards and in the marketplace,” she said.

“There are tips on auditing risks and opportunities as well as information on applying risk-based thinking to the audit process.

“In addition, guidance has been expanded in a number of areas such as managing an audit programme and conducting an audit.”

ISO 19011 is available from your national ISO member or through the ISO Store.

1) ISO 19011 was developed by ISO project committee ISO/PC 302, Guidelines for auditing management systems, whose secretariat is held by ANSI, ISO’s member for the USA.

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