QR codes for smarter transport

New standard just published for faster, more secure processing.

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QR codes used in transport have been around for many years, but lack of sufficient processing speed and security concerns have retarded its use. Now the technology has been updated to remove these issues, making it a highly powerful and useful tool to manage passengers in busy transport areas such as metros and train stations. A new standard has just been published to support its use.

ISO 37180Smart community infrastructures – Guidance on smart transportation with QR code identification and authentification in transportation and its related or additional services, provides guidance on transportation and its related or additional services using quick response (QR) codes for identification and authentication in data transfer.

Smart community infrastructures — Guidance on smart transportation with QR code identification and authentification in transportation and its related or additional services

The advanced performance and security help improve transportation and its related or additional service fields, such as money transfer services for payment and charging pre-paid cards.

Use of the standard is designed to make transport services more convenient for customers and service agents while protecting their data. It covers aspects such as the security, organization and operation of smart transportation with QR code identification and authentication and quality maintenance of the smart transportation services.

ISO 37180 was developed by subcommittee SC 1Smart community infrastructures, of ISO technical committee ISO/TC 268, Sustainable cities and communities. The secretariat of ISO/TC 268/SC 1 is held by JISC, ISO’s member for Japan.

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