Фильтр :
Стандарт и/или проект находящийся в компетенции ISO/TC 127/SC 3 Секретариата | Этап | ICS |
Earth-moving machinery — Dimensions of fuel filler opening
95.99 | |
Earth-moving machinery — Dimensions of fuel filler opening
95.99 | |
Withdrawal of ISO 3542-1975
95.99 | |
Earth-moving machinery — Service tools — Part 1: Common maintenance and adjustment tools
95.99 | |
Earth-moving machinery — Service tools — Part 1: Common maintenance and adjustment tools
90.93 | |
Earth-moving machinery — Service tools — Part 2: Common repair tools — Mechanical pullers and pushers
95.99 | |
Earth-moving machinery — Service tools — Part 2: Mechanical pullers and pushers
90.93 | |
Earth-moving machinery — Maintenance and adjustment tools
95.99 | |
Earth-moving machinery — Operating instrumentation
95.99 | |
Earth-moving machinery — Operating instrumentation
95.99 | |
Earth-moving machinery — Visual display of machine operation
95.99 | |
Earth-moving machinery — Visual display of machine operation
60.60 | |
Earth-moving machinery — Service instrumentation
95.99 | |
Earth-moving machinery — Service instrumentation
95.99 | |
Earth-moving machinery — Service instrumentation
90.93 | |
Earth-moving machinery — Drain, fill and level plugs
95.99 | |
Earth-moving machinery — Drain, fill and level plugs
95.99 | |
Earth-moving machinery — Drain, fill and level plugs
90.93 | |
Earth-moving machinery — Lubrication fittings — Part 1: Nipple type
90.93 | |
Earth-moving machinery — Lubrication fittings — Part 2: Grease-gun nozzles
90.93 | |
Earth-moving machinery — Lubrication fittings — Nipple type
95.99 | |
Earth-moving machinery — Symbols for operator controls and other displays — Part 1: Common symbols
95.99 | |
Earth-moving machinery — Symbols for operator controls and other displays — Part 1: Common symbols — Amendment 1: Common symbols
95.99 | |
Earth-moving machinery — Symbols for operator controls and other displays — Part 1: Common symbols — Amendment 2: Additional symbols
95.99 | |
Earth-moving machinery — Symbols for operator controls and other displays — Part 1: Common symbols
95.99 | |
Earth-moving machinery — Symbols for operator controls and other displays — Part 1: Common symbols — Amendment 1: Additional symbols
95.99 | |
Earth-moving machinery — Symbols for operator controls and other displays — Part 1: Common symbols
90.93 | |
Earth-moving machinery — Symbols for operator controls and other displays — Part 1: Common symbols — Amendment 1: Additional symbols
60.60 | |
Earth-moving machinery — Symbols for operator controls and other displays — Part 2: Specific symbols for machines, equipment and accessories
95.99 | |
Earth-moving machinery — Symbols for operator controls and other displays — Part 2: Specific symbols for machines, equipment and accessories — Amendment 1
95.99 | |
Earth-moving machinery — Symbols for operator controls and other displays — Part 2: Specific symbols for machines, equipment and accessories — Amendment 2: Additional symbols
95.99 | |
Earth-moving machinery — Symbols for operator controls and other displays — Part 2: Symbols for specific machines, equipment and accessories
90.93 | |
Earth-moving machinery — Symbols for operator controls and other displays — Part 2: Symbols for specific machines, equipment and accessories — Amendment 1: Additional symbols
60.60 | |
Earth-moving machinery — Symbols — Operator controls and others
95.99 | |
Earth-moving machinery — Preservation and storage
90.93 | |
Earth-moving machinery — Operator's manual — Part 1: Contents and format
90.60 | |
Earth-moving machinery — Operator's manual — Part 2: List of references
95.99 | |
Earth-moving machinery — Operator's manual — Part 2: List of references
95.99 | |
Earth-moving machinery — Operator's manual — Part 2: List of references
95.99 | |
Earth-moving machinery — Operator's manual — Part 2: List of references
90.92 | |
Earth-moving machinery — Operator's manual — Part 2: List of references
50.00 | |
Earth-moving machinery — Operation and maintenance — Format and content of manuals
95.99 | |
Earth-moving machinery — Operator's manual — Content and format
95.99 | |
Earth-moving machinery — Tractors with dozer, graders, tractor scrapers — Cutting edges — Principal shapes and basic dimensions
95.99 | |
Earth-moving machinery — Tractors with dozer, graders, tractor scrapers — Cutting edges — Principal shapes and basic dimensions
95.99 | |
Earth-moving machinery — Cutting edges used on tractor-dozers, graders and scrapers — Principal shapes and basic dimensions
90.93 | |
Earth-moving machinery — Guide to procedure for operator training
95.99 | |
Earth-moving machinery — Operator training — Content and methods
90.93 | |
Earth-moving machinery — Plough bolt heads — Shapes and dimensions (excluding thread dimensions)
90.93 | |
Earth-moving machinery — Dozer end bits — Hole specification
95.99 | |
Earth-moving machinery — Operation and maintenance — Training of mechanics
90.93 | |
Earth-moving machinery — Diagnostic ports
90.93 | |
Earth-moving machinery — Diagnostic ports — Amendment 1
60.60 | |
Earth-moving machinery — Machine availability — Vocabulary
90.60 | |
Earth-moving machinery — Electrical wires and cables — Principles of identification and marking
90.93 | |
Earth-moving machinery — Electrical wires and cables — Principles of identification and marking — Amendment 1
60.60 | |
Earth-moving machinery — Product identification numbering system
95.99 | |
Earth-moving machinery — Product identification numbering system
95.99 | |
Earth-moving machinery — Product identification numbering system
60.60 | |
Earth-moving machinery — Auxiliary starting aid electrical connector
90.93 | |
Earth-moving machinery — Lighting, signalling and marking lights, and reflex-reflector devices
95.99 | |
Earth-moving machinery and rough-terrain trucks — Lighting, signalling and marking lights, and reflex reflectors
60.60 | |
Earth-moving machinery — Operation and maintenance — Maintainability guidelines
90.93 | |
Earth-moving machinery — Hour meters
90.60 | |
Earth-moving machinery — Hour meters — Amendment 1
60.60 | |
Earth-moving machinery — Electrical safety of machines utilizing electric drives and related components and systems — Part 1: General requirements
90.93 | |
Earth-moving machinery — Electrical safety of machines utilizing electric drives and related components and systems — Part 2: Particular requirements for externally-powered machines
90.93 | |
Earth-moving machinery — Electrical safety of machines utilizing electric drives and related components and systems — Part 3: Particular requirements for self-powered machines
90.93 | |
Earth-moving machinery and mobile road construction machinery — Worksite data exchange — Part 1: System architecture
90.93 | |
Earth-moving machinery and mobile road construction machinery — Worksite data exchange — Part 2: Data dictionary
90.93 | |
Earth-moving machinery and mobile road construction machinery — Worksite data exchange — Part 3: Telematics data
95.99 | |
Earth-moving machinery and mobile road construction machinery — Worksite data exchange — Part 3: Telematics data
90.92 | |
Earth-moving machinery and mobile road construction machinery — Worksite data exchange — Part 3: Telematics data
20.00 |
Earth-moving machinery and mobile road construction machinery — Worksite data exchange — Part 4: Worksite topographical data
60.60 | |
Earth-moving machinery — Lifting and tying-down attachment points — Performance requirements
90.93 | |
Earth-moving machinery — Machine control systems (MCS) using electronic components — Part 2: Use and application of ISO 15998
95.99 | |
Earth-moving machinery — Machine-control systems (MCS) using electronic components — Performance criteria and tests for functional safety
95.99 | |
Earth-moving machinery — Recyclability and recoverability — Terminology and calculation method
90.93 | |
Road vehicles — Video communication interface for cameras (VCIC) — Part 1: General information and use case definition
90.60 | |
Road vehicles — Video communication interface for cameras (VCIC) — Part 2: Service discovery and control
90.60 | |
Road vehicles — Video communication interface for cameras (VCIC) — Part 3: Camera message dictionary
60.60 | |
Road vehicles — Video communication interface for cameras (VCIC) — Part 4: Implementation of communication requirements
90.60 | |
Earth-moving machinery — Anti-theft systems — Classification and performance
90.93 | |
Earth-moving machinery — Wheeled loader coupler for attachments
90.93 | |
Mobile machinery — High speed interconnect (HSI) — Part 3: Single communication channel coupling connector
20.00 |
Mobile machinery — High speed interconnect (HSI) — Part 10: Communication channel
20.00 |
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