ISO standards for intelligent transport systems and autonomous vehicles enhance connectivity, automation, and data analytics, helping you revolutionize the future of transport.


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contactless payment for underground ticket via smart phone

QR codes for smarter transport

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Sample standards

Intelligent transport systems — Framework for cooperative telematics applications for regulated commercial freight vehicles (TARV)
Part 4: System security requirements

Electronic fee collection — System architecture for vehicle-related tolling
Part 1: Reference model

Intelligent transport systems (ITS) — Guidance protocol via personal ITS station for advisory safety systems
Part 3: Road guidance protocol (RGP) conformance test specification

Road vehicles — Media Oriented Systems Transport (MOST)
Part 8: 150-Mbit/s optical physical layer

Road vehicles — Media Oriented Systems Transport (MOST)
Part 9: 150-Mbit/s optical physical layer conformance test plan

Road vehicles — Media Oriented Systems Transport (MOST)
Part 6: Data link layer