ISO standards for intelligent transport systems and autonomous vehicles enhance connectivity, automation, and data analytics, helping you revolutionize the future of transport.


Smart farming: the transformative potential of data-driven agriculture
Smart farming and precision agriculture leverage technologies like agricultural drones, robotics, IoT sensors, GPS and farm management information systems to improve production efficiency.
contactless payment for underground ticket via smart phone

QR codes for smarter transport

New standard just published for faster, more secure processing.

Drone comes within metres of hitting a passenger aircraft at the airport of Barcelona, Spain.

By Ann Brady on

Mission possible for unmanned aircraft systems

During the COVID-19 pandemic, air drones or unmanned aircraft systems have played vital roles, from delivering aid to monitoring social distancing. However, issues such as safety, security and the sharing of airspace have continued to delay their full commercial use.

Top standards

Road vehicles — Safety and artificial intelligence

Road vehicles — Cybersecurity engineering

Road vehicles — Software update engineering

Road vehicles — Controller area network (CAN)
Part 1: Data link layer and physical coding sublayer

Road vehicles — Diagnostic communication over Controller Area Network (DoCAN)
Part 2: Transport protocol and network layer services

Road vehicles — Controller area network (CAN)
Part 2: High-speed physical medium attachment (PMA) sublayer